‘Death in Palermo’ is a captivating hour-long documentary that delves deep into the unsettling reality behind the Rotoli cemetery in Palermo, Italy, shedding light on its treatment of the deceased. Filmmaker and anthropologist Caterina Pasqualino unveils the heart-wrenching tale of ‘the waiting dead’, a poignant narrative where more than 1,500 departed souls linger in limbo, awaiting their final resting place while their grieving families are ensnared in a web of bureaucratic entanglements, political corruption, and even Mafia influence in their quest for closure.
Driven by a profound sense of empathy and curiosity, Caterina Pasqualino embarks on a journey to investigate this macabre predicament, immersing herself in the lives of the Palermitans who navigate intricate connections with their departed loved ones. Through her meticulous exploration, she uncovers the intricate tapestry of emotions, traditions, and beliefs that blur the boundaries between life, death, and the enduring human yearning for renewal and rebirth.
Caterina Pasqualino's body of work extends beyond the haunting landscapes of Palermo. Her cinematic endeavors have traversed diverse cultural terrains, from capturing the vibrant flamenco performances of Andalusia to delving into the materiality and emotional dynamics of Cuban possession rituals. Her interdisciplinary approach fuses art, cinema, and anthropology, offering a unique perspective on the interplay between performance, identity, and sociopolitical landscapes.
The personal resonance of Caterina's exploration is palpable, as her own experiences of loss and grief converge with the unfolding tragedy at the Rotoli cemetery. The poignant memory of her uncle's funeral serves as a poignant catalyst, drawing her back to the labyrinthine streets of Palermo, where she confronts the harsh realities of a community grappling with the specter of unburied souls. In the midst of sorrow and contemplation, she unearths the profound human connections that transcend the boundaries of mortality, illuminating the fragile yet enduring bond between the living and the dead.